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Contact Information

Contact Form

You will find us on

 Adress: GOŁĘBIEWKO 28
 Phone: +48 602-730-694
 Email: admar.biuro.serwis@gmail.com
 Website: www.admar-serwis.pl 
 Social Media: facebook.com/admar.serwis

Advanced Technologies

Individual Approach

 Highest Quality

ADMAR Service & ADMAR Inspection Service

ADMAR Service and ADMAR Inspection Service cater to a wide range of industries, providing specialized solutions tailored

to each sector's unique needs.

ADMAR Service is a division of ADMAR Company, specializing in welding and assembly services.

ADMAR Inspection Service is a division of ADMAR Company, specializing in comprehensive inspection services.


Our teams consist of highly qualified specialists with years of experience.


We provide comprehensive support at every stage of project implementation, from planning to execution

and inspections.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver solutions of the highest quality that meet and exceed client expectations.


We aim to ensure safety, quality, and efficiency through an individual approach and innovative technologies.


We treat each project as unique, paying attention to every detail and ensuring top-notch execution.

Our Services

ADMAR Service and ADMAR Inspection Service offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of various industries.

Pipeline Prefabrication and Assembly

• Comprehensive services in pipeline prefabrication and assembly.
• Utilizing advanced technologies and industry expertise.
• ERMETO system for reliability and versatility.

 Steel Structures
• Design, production, and assembly of steel structures.
• Meeting highest standards of strength and safety.
• Tailored solutions for individual client needs.

Industrial Installations

• Designing and installing comprehensive industrial systems.
• Including electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic installations.

• Optimized for efficiency and performance.

Service and Modernizations

• Regular inspections and modernizations for continuous efficiency and
• Quick technical support interventions.
• Minimizing downtime and maximizing performance.

ADMAR Inspection Service

NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) Inspections

• Wide range of NDT inspections: ultrasonic, penetration, magnetic, and more.
• Ensuring safety and quality in various industries.
• Detecting flaws and ensuring compliance with standards.


Welding Inspections
 Verifying the quality and compliance of welds with norms and standards.
 Ensuring safe and durable connections.
 Detailed reports and recommendations for corrective actions.

• Comprehensive supervision and monitoring of welding processes on projects.


Structural Inspections
 Monitoring the condition of infrastructure.
 Preventing potential failures and damage.
 Regular inspections for extended lifespan and reliability.


Industrial Equipment Inspections


 Comprehensive inspections of machinery and equipment.
• Ensuring safety and performance requirements.

• Regular technical reviews for optimal operation.

• Inspekcje drugiej strony, uczestnictw w testach ruchowych, FAT, testach  ciśnieniowych oraz wszelkich aktywności zgodnie z Planem Kontroli i Badań ( ITP.)  jako przedstawiciel klienta. 


Inspections at Heights
• Safe inspections of towers, masts, and metal structures.
• Equipped with appropriate equipment and know-how.
• Detailed reports and recommendations.


Anti-Corrosion Inspections
• Supervision over the process of applying anti-corrosion coatings.
• Maintaining longevity and safety of structures.
• Detailed reports and recommendations.


Expediting and Monitoring
• Supervision and expediting processes to eliminate delays.
• Maintaining project schedules and efficiency.
• Detailed reports on work progress and optimization.

• Supervision and acceleration of work 


• Technical and system audits for compliance.
• Identifying areas for improvement and optimization.
• Detailed reports and recommendations.


Industries We Serve


Petrochemicals and Refineries

• Comprehensive services and inspections for the petrochemical and refinery sectors.


• Support in energy projects, from installation to modernization.


Oil and Gas Industry
• Comprehensive solutions for the oil and gas sector.

Manufacturing and Heavy Industry
• Advanced technologies for heavy manufacturing industries.


• Safe and compliant installations and inspections for the pharmaceutical industry.


Transport and Logistics
• Inspections in the transport and logistics sector.


Construction and Engineering
• Inspection services for construction and engineering projects.


Food and Food Processing
• Inspections for the food and food processing industry.

Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare

• Inspections for the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors.